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'Aman ,no company' Parts List   (1,569Parts)

A Start Sell Parts(251Parts)
Inquiry Part Number Datasheet Description Q'ty Mfg Date Code Lead Time Reg. Date


PLCC New & Original parts 1200   ACTEL 16+ New parts and Stock on hand 18-01-08


PLCC/68 New & Original parts 1200   ACTEL 16+ New parts and Stock on hand 18-01-08


QFP/160 New & Original parts 1200   ACTEL 16+ New parts and Stock on hand 18-01-08


SOP/8 New & Original parts 392   ORIGINAL 16+ New parts and Stock on hand 18-01-08


QFP/80 New & Original parts 1200   FUJ 16+ New parts and Stock on hand 18-01-08


QFP/100 New & Original parts 1499   ORIGINAL 16+ New parts and Stock on hand 18-01-08


BGA(镀金脚) New & Original parts 1200   INTEL 16+ New parts and Stock on hand 18-01-08


SOP/24 New & Original parts 1200   ALLGERO 16+ New parts and Stock on hand 18-01-08


SOP New & Original parts 1200   ALLGERO 16+ New parts and Stock on hand 18-01-08

AA231AFP 3Parts All contents

SOP/24 New & Original parts 582   NEC 16+ New parts and Stock on hand 18-01-08


QFP/80 New & Original parts 1200   ANRI 16+ New parts and Stock on hand 18-01-08


QFP/44 New & Original parts 1200   ANRT 16+ New parts and Stock on hand 18-01-08


QFP/100 New & Original parts 1200   ANRITCU 16+ New parts and Stock on hand 18-01-08


SOP New & Original parts 1980   AD 16+ New parts and Stock on hand 18-01-08

AD1580ART-REEL 2Parts All contents

SOT23/3 New & Original parts 29240   AD 16+ New parts and Stock on hand 18-01-08

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00-340**** zam**** ****1@qq.com Aman ,no company

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